Event Details
Youth Court Round Table: The purpose of the round table is to highlight promising practices in youth courts and to address truancy and discipline issues in school. Join the discussion on how youth courts can be used to respond to these growing issues. This round table is free and open to court staff and/or court teams that are interested in implementing a youth court. This round table is eligible for STC credit for probation officers.
The Veterans and Military Families Summit: The purpose of this summit is to provide information and training on how courts and their partners can better serve the needs of the veteran population. In addition to the issues faced by justice-involved veterans, this summit will also examine assisting veterans and their families in non-criminal case types and the unique needs of female veterans. Participation in the summit is open to all and free of cost. Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) teams and courts considering implementing a VTC are especially encouraged to attend.
September 12, 2018
All Day