Founded in 1995, the California Association of Veteran Service Agencies (CAVSA) is a consortium of six non-profit veteran service providers working in partnership to address the needs of California’s veterans. CAVSA’s geographic diversity facilitates the delivery of direct services in both urban and rural regions throughout the state, stretching from Eureka to San Diego.
- California is home to over 1.8 million former service members, which is the largest veteran population of any state in the United States.
- Veterans are disproportionately represented among California’s homeless population, and experience employment challenges far greater than their peers..
- One-third of homeless veterans live in California.
- Veterans face unique employment challenges. These challenges include translating their military skills into the civilian workplace, overcoming stigma and stereotypes, and employers’ hesitation to hire veterans.
As community-based direct service providers, we draw upon our experience working directly with veterans to inform policy and advocate for adequate and accessible services and support. We understand that the obstacles veterans face — including homelessness, poverty, unemployment and disability — are interrelated and require an integrated network of support within the community and continuum of care. Together we work to improve services for California’s veterans and educate our communities about the unique needs of military veterans and their families.
CAVSA Board of Directors and Staff
Andrea Deveau, Executive Director
Stephen Peck, President
U.S.VETS President & CEO
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Michael Blecker, Vice President
Swords to Plowshares Executive Director
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Chris Flaherty, Board Member
Nation’s Finest Chief Executive Officer
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Deborah Johnson, Treasurer
California Veterans Assistance Foundation President & CEO
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Akilah Templeton, Secretary
Veterans Village of San Diego President & CEO
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Leo Cuadrado, Director
New Directions for Veterans COO
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