This Mental Health Month, learn more about VA’s mental health resources and hear Veterans’ stories of recovery
By: VA OMHSP Staff Contributor
In recent weeks, you’ve probably put many aspects of your daily life on hold. But have you taken time for yourself? This Mental Health Month, pause to focus on your well-being. It’s always the right time to make your mental health a priority, especially during these times of uncertainty and stress. Whether you’re looking to take the next step — or the first step — on your path to a healthier life, start here. Start now.
This May, VA recognizes Mental Health Month by emphasizing: “Now Is the Time.” For Veterans facing a mental health challenge, now is the time to explore the resources available to you. Now is the time to check in with a fellow Veteran to see how they’re doing. For Veterans’ family members, now is the time to let a loved one know that you’re here to listen and offer support.
“You can only get better when you acknowledge when you need that help,” says Catrina, an Army Veteran.
“Take the time to do it,” says John, a U.S. Army Veteran who’s been sober for 31 years since returning from Vietnam. “Try it at least. You might find what you’re looking for.”
“If anyone knows how to see something through from beginning to end, [it’s] a Veteran,” says Vernal, a U.S. Marine Corps Veteran. “You learn that process from the day you’re in boot camp. There are people out there who want to help you. … Get the help that you need.”
For Brenda, it was about discovering effective ways to communicate with her husband, Scott, after he returned from deployment. “The best thing you can do is be open,” she says. “Be there for them to sit and chat and help them if they need to get that help — direct them in the right direction.”
Today, there are more online resources available to Veterans and their families than ever before. This May, we encourage you to visit to learn more about mental health support and hear stories of recovery from other Veterans. There, you can make a plan for the first step — or the next step — in your own mental health journey.